Take Me To Your Wulf! A Vapor Filled Take On Ufology

Sep 23, 2024
Take Me To Your Wulf! A Vapor Filled Take On Ufology

Traditional thinking is that Wolves howl at the moon to announce the pack's presence or call for the commencement of a hunt, an audible Bat signal if you will.

But what if we were to tell you that they were actually howling at UFOs? Would your view of the very nature of our reality be swayed? Knowing that the creatures we know as Wolves are able to commune with the very UFOs that have caused so much speculation across the years?

Now whether or not we just made that fact up, the important part of this Wulf Mods dive into the world of UFOs is to be asking the right questions!

So please follow along for a bit of Wulfology as we take a very tongue in cheek look at the history of UFOs and how there happens to be an uncanny amount of similarities between our vapes and these sightings!

Once Upon A Time In Roswell, New Mexico

Kicking off our UFOlogy course today we are going to go allll the way back to the year of 1947 when the US was freshly out of WW2 and all of a sudden a different problem sprung up…

Other planetary invaders! Or well crashed invaders at the very least, because this famous sighting isn’t much of a UFO as more just a UO - an unidentified object - because all the hullabaloo that follows is over the supposed wreckage of a craft.

You see in Roswell New Mexico a man found what was described as a wreckage of sorts spread out around his ranch. Now the official story is that these were just US Army weather balloons that met a rather unceremonious end by crashing in the desert.

Now we aren’t sure if it’s all of the hits from our Fang 2-In-1 talking here, but if you are asking us the saucer esque body of the Fang makes it the closest thing you can get to having your very own Roswell on your desk, with the added bonus of an out of this world 1,600mAh battery.

Whether or not Roswell was a cover up, hoax, or something in between - we know for a fact that with the Fang in hand you have all the power you need to get to the bottom of this UFO mystery.

Wulf Fang in space with UFOs and asteroids nearby

The REAL Beginning - Italy 1933

Pysch! Turns out Roswell was NOT the first, but the second! That’s right, number one rule of UFO hunting is that the goal posts change quickly and the lore so to speak is always evolving.

You see only in recent years has a certain 1933 crash in Italy started to garner attention as the real first UFO crash on Earth. According to UFO historians, it was actually Italy that had the first experience with a saucer crashing from the skies.

Now this one gets crazier from here with the UFO shifting hands several times in the next decade until it reaches our very own Area 51. So much like the pizza, what started out in Italy has now become an undisputed American staple.

Keeping in this spirit we couldn’t help but point out that our Evolve Max is a 3 in 1 hybrid beast capable of handling raw concentrate material in 3 distinct ways including dab rig mode, nectar collecting mode, and wax pen mode.

This makes the Evolve Max more than capable of handling the twists and turns of a UFO hunt, so make sure to grab one before you go out on your next sky searching session!

The Real Life McPherson Tape

Okay we won’t beat around the bush on this one, the McPherson Tape is actually a movie and NOT a real life documentary. But what if that’s just what people want you to believe?

Sadly we are unable to provide a definitive answer on the matter, but we can tell you that the McPherson Tape is an absolutely spin tingling exploration of what first contact could potentially look like with Aliens and an ordinary American family.

Before you press play on the tape, we would be remiss if we didn’t point out that the Recon 4G is the absolute perfect vaporizer to have by your side while watching.

With its ability to fit two different cartridges up to 2G inside, you can switch between two different moods to either calm or excite you during the watch! Plus with its extra strength 650mAh battery the Recon 4G will be ready to stay up all night with you after you are too scared to sleep!

Image of the "Phoenix Lights" overhead

What’s The Dealio With The Phoenix Lights?

Now this is a good one, on March 13th 1997 there was a mass sighting of UFOs that was so widespread even famous actor Kurt Russell saw them while he was flying in a small airplane.

According to the witnesses, a flying V of lights lit up the skies of Phoenix Arizona and was seen by a variety of witnesses. Now the military came out with some sort of cover story, but for those who saw these heavenly lights they know that seeing is believing.

These events became known as the Phoenix Lights and have become a powerful part of the UFO lore due to the mass sighting and lack of clear official explanation.

To light up your sessions just like the skies of Phoenix that fateful night, we recommend that you check out the Omni Dab Tool Torch with its sizzling hot 1,688˚F flame in order to fire up some fittingly potent dabs.

Much like the story of the Phoenix Lights, the Omni has its own hidden secrets as it contains four different all metal dab tools to assist with loading all of your various concentrated materials.

Tic Tac UFOs

No this isn’t a subtle way to tell you to take a breath mint, we are really talking about tic-tac UFOs or at least the NYT is! As when this dropped the world was stunned by such a legitimate news source taking the subject that has received so much scorn seriously.

Not only that but this truly wild article actually provides “footage” of real life UFOs or as they are referred to now amongst intellectuals as UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) while they are tailed by the United States Military.

If that isn’t enough to get you wanting to believe, then there is another facet to this case that we believe you should examine. We couldn’t help noticing that these “tic tac ufos” happen to look strangely similar to our very own Wulf Mods Uni X…

Just look at the two - one is an awe inspiring device capable of providing intergalactic experiences at the press of a button and the other is a UFO!

No but seriously, the Uni X does have an eerily similar shape to these tic tac UFOs and is an awesome sleek option to bring along all of your UFO hunting adventures with its 4 dedicated voltage settings (2.0, 2.6, 3.2, 3.8v) providing you with a range of different heating options to perfectly match your investigations speed.

Woman with nice red nails holding Wulf UNI X

U F Outro

So the next time you see something flying around in the sky you can ask yourself the question, did I just see a UFO? And know that you are part of the massive pantheon of people who have dared to believe in these ever interesting unidentified flying objects.

For more Wulf Mods content to tide you over until the inevitable UFO invasion, we recommend you check out the rest of our postings over at our Official Blog right here!